Monday, February 11, 2013

Leader's #1 Priority

I recently had the privilege of discussing what a leader’s number one priority is. The leader I was speaking with shared that ultimately his job is to make his boss look good or make his job easier. His second priority was to support his colleagues within the organization and that his third priority was to support his team and give them what they need.

I agree that all of these are essential to successful leadership. It is imperative that your focus be on making sure that you are an asset to your boss not a hindrance. Every leader appreciates the subordinate that makes his job easier by providing reports ahead of schedule, bringing solutions to challenges, driving constant process improvements without having to be asked, etc. All of these items make your bosses job easier which he or she appreciates and ultimately you look good in their eyes.

It is also important to work with your colleagues versus against them at every turn. Not being a team player impacts you, your colleagues, your boss, and the organization as a whole. Sooner or later, someone along this chain will have to address your unwillingness to be supportive, putting them and you in an uncomfortable situation. So making sure to help and work well with your teammates definitely should be something a leader focuses on.

With regards to supporting your team, I submit that this is your number one priority! The two points above are critical to achieve and I believe you can only achieve them if you have a solid team. You can only attain a solid team if they feel cared for. A team feels cared for when their boss makes them the number one priority. You make your team the number one priority by giving them most of your precious time. You make your team a priority by committing to develop them and hold them accountable to achieving their absolute best. You make your team a priority by making sure they understand that you can’t make your boss look good or be a team player with your colleagues without them!

If your team falls to number three or lower on your priority list, it will not be long before morale begins to decrease, performance and productivity begins to flat line or worse, begins to decline, conflicts begin to surface, and turnover starts to increase. And before you know it, you’re left by yourself to try and make your boss and colleagues look good, and I assure you, doing it alone is not easy. Make your team your number one priority!

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