Friday, November 4, 2011

Operational Audit

I often get asked, “How do I know if my department or organization is efficient and meeting expectations?” The other frequent statement I hear is, “I know that things are not working right, I don’t have happy customers, but I just can’t figure out what it is.” If productivity, quality, turnover, customer satisfaction, cost, etc. is below expectations, then you need to conduct an operational audit.

This series will focus on each of the seven assessments that are critical in conducting a full operational audit. By conducting these seven assessments you will know exactly where you weaknesses, strengths, obstacles, and opportunities lie. This is different from a SWOT analysis as we will primarily focus on your internal operations and does not evaluate your competitors or external factors (possibly at a later time). This takes a detail look at you and your operations. We’ll take the time and discuss each of the following functions in detail so they are practical and applicable to your industry, department, or organization. We will discuss Leadership, Staff, Quality, Integration, Productivity, Supplies, and Financial aspects. I invite you to follow along as we work our way through this series. And as always, if you have specific questions or comments, share so we can all benefit from them.

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